
During the English Clas, our work was that based on our imagination we create short stories certain images, then the result.

This is the history of one girl who became a hero because in a storm lightning strike fell on her head giving her the power to control the climate.

The Misshapes: The Coming Storm by SCiaffaglione

Ella was 17 years old when her life change, while she walking along the shore of the beach a storm start and she stay here to watch the amazing view, after the thunderbolt she was insentient around two hours.

When she wake up, everything stay in calm, but she felt different and nervous went back to home… days later the weather depends of her humor and piecemeal she started to notice.

Now, she start to use the powers to care the environment because she work with the American government, she have plans to the future, she will become in the Mother Nature in person to protect the Earth and change the mind of the humans.

In an uncommon dimension, several tribes fight one each other to expand his territory, one of them, call The Giant was the son of the leader of the northern tribe.

MTG: Colossapede by KangJasonHe was exhausted to fight with others and soon he become on the leader and he didn’t want to accept the responsibility of the tribe because he was in love of the Princess Xaná. 

The Princess and him met them in the jungle, near the boundaries of the tribes, after that they always went to saw them. He want to stay with her, so he diced to escape.

After three days he will be with the Princess but he never appeared, one of the monster cross on his road and kill him. 

Forsaken by JonasDeRoA mortal virus expanded around the world and a lot of people died but some survived because they are immunes.
Thomas was young, they only had 10 years when this happened, in that moment they diced to survive.
He walk around all the city looking for food, he found a group of immunes and they make a shelter called The Maze, the shelter was for them and all the immunes.
They will survive around three years but they will make a new species of human immune to all type of virus.

Fire Within Me by AF-studios
Mia was one of the prodigy kids in the world, she plays violin since she had 5 years old. While she was on kinder garden was a victim of bullying but that didn’t stop her to follow her dreams.
Now, she is one of the youngest people to play for the Royal Family, a lot of managers want her but she will go to Royal College of Music to learn more.
On the future she will have a job assured because artist like her are difficult to find. 

Skydrillers by Flora-SilveThanks to people who live in the world there was a severe climate change, this caused everyone to freeze, there were no seasons, now everything was cold.
Many people died, very few scientists survided.
Scientist now teach people teach how to study the soil on which they live to explain certain phenomena and help their survival.
This change was the end of life on Earth, the extinction of humand beings, in a future the new generations must create a new human race tot ake care of and protect the environment, because this process will occur one again.


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